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Techspray Precision-V 371DA Solvent

Techspray Precision-V 371DA Solvent


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Precision-V cleaners leave no residue and evaporate extremely fast, and are nonflammable with no flash-point. Electronics, optics, and metal parts are quickly and thoroughly cleaned, eliminating the need for further rinsing. Precision-V is non-ozone depleting, so ideal replacements for cleaners containing Freon, HFC-141b and AK225.

Precision-V 371DA has azeotrope properties that allow it to maintain stable properties as it is cycled in a vapor-degreaser. It is neither reactive nor corrosive to metals commonly found in the construction of vapor-degreasers.

Exposure to Precision-V solvents is less hazardous than many other solvents commonly used in vapor-degreasers: e.g. TCE (Trichloroethylene, CAS #79-01-6), nPB (n-Propyl Bromide, CAS #106-94-5), and Perc (Perchloroethylene. CAS #127-18-4).


  • Used in vapor-degreasers and general solvent cleaner
  • Rinsing agent
  • Deposition solvent

Features & Benefits:

  • Drop-in replacement for 3M Novec 71DA
  • Nonflammable
  • Non-conductive
  • Compatible with plastics
  • Low toxicity
  • Low global warming potential (GWP)
  • Zero ozone depletion potential (ODP)
  • Low surface tension for cleaning within tight areas

Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet

NOTE: As with all vapor degreaser equipment and processes, observe all safety precautions, guidelines and operating rules associated with these units. Failure to do so may put operations personnel at risk. Avoid excessive vapor losses, loss of refrigeration, excessive boil sump heat, etc. Make sure all equipment is operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions. If in doubt, contact your manufacturer immediately.

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