Hakko FM204 Desoldering Station, w/FM2024-02
Hakko FM204 Desoldering Station, w/FM2024-02
SKU:Hakko FM204-01
DESOLDERING & SOLDERING STATION The Hakko FM-204 is a "self-contained" desoldering station with all the "soldering" functionality of the FM-203 in a single-port station.
Note: The FM-204 and FM204-CP (Conversion Port) are "SINGLE PORT" stations, meaning, ONLY ONE HANDPIECE can be used at a time. (You cannot use the soldering handpiece and desoldering handpiece at the same time.) Part Number: FM204-01 Part Number: FM204-CP (Conversion Port) See Specifications for more details. |
FM-204 Desoldering Station
FM-2027 Soldering Iron(not included with FM204-01)
NOTE: The FM204-CP includes all the above as well as one each FM2027-03 soldering iron connector with sleep holder and cable. Tips/Nozzles NOT included. |